Oubeid Mezni
4 min readJun 4, 2022


“Sideshow cars and plastic stars,
A turgid affair,
Illuminates the dwindling scars,
They point and stare,
I’ve been longing for a someone like you,
I’ve been searching for a way out too,
And somebody — somebody’s looking for you.
If I find some way out,
Then I will stay,
With heart split two ways down,
Like tears down my face,
We’ll find our way out,
Without a map just our hearts,
And when we get out,
We’ll topple down your house of cards.”
Koda — Last stand.

It is with great honor, that I write you my friends this story. It is a story that lasted 36 hours exactly. I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.

I once was thinking to myself about how artists feel things and turn their feelings, beliefs, or even attitudes into art and radiate it to the world. a couple of questions hit me straight in the head. “while crafting art. to what extent the artist should be transparent?” and “can art ever be just a claim that this being felt this way and expressed it this way and we have no strong argument about the truth”

Ever since Every time I listen to a song or read a paragraph from a book or even come across an artwork, it feels like I’m playing a guessing game. It felt like a moment of revelation the first time I asked myself these questions. I became skeptical about all my feelings and all the pieces I wrote before, whether it was poetry or medium stories. Am I really sharing what I think I am supposed to be sharing?
I don’t ever recall doing such artistic sneaky moves. But I wonder how would it feel like to do so. I Would never lie to you, my dear friends. I narrowed down the number of people who have access to these new articles about how my life is going and the new Ideas that I want to share. I realized almost 20 people are left. I appreciate all of you, by the way, You are such a judge-free treasure.

on Monday the 30th of May, I got the chance to have a couple of drinks at a very fancy bar. The atmosphere was very nice. It was a good time. Since that day I kept thinking about the whole thing. I can never describe how euphoric it was despite the fact that I tried beer before and it wasn’t really a great catch for me. Yet that day It tasted like honey, there was some good music playing in the background. The table was nice, The bar was kind of empty at the time. We sat there around 5 pm. I thought to myself about all of the things I didn’t discover from a different perspective. All the feelings that I'm going to be able to feel. It fueled me with very positive energy. I probably lost 10 pounds of negative emotion at that place and I'm looking forward to losing more. I think beer never tasted to me the way it did that day. It was something else.

If you allow me to dig deeper, that was the taste of curiosity. It is delicious. It is euphoric. It has alcohol in it. It’s addictive. I figured that curiosity is what keeps you not just drinking or having fun or going on nice journeys. it is what keeps you alive. It is the message I’m going to engrave on the necklace that I'm never going to take off my neck. “Stay Curious”

Stay curious is what keeps you not only alive but ahead. Mentally and physically. It gives you the driving wheel instead of keeping you driven. Think of it as how are you going to feel if such and such against how you are feeling now. If it hits you make no mistake you will be a change-man. I took career choices and life decisions based on this theory and I ensure you I’m more than excited about the next step, the nearest future goal. It hit me at the right time. I'm about to graduate from my 3 years of university. 2022 was a year that was full of hustle and dark days. Those moments of self-consciousness and self-recognition taught me a lot about myself and gave me momentum for another chapter of my life that hasn’t started yet.

If curiosity killed the cat, I ensure you the cat died happily. Dive in and pursue what seems to you worth. Send this to someone you think should stay curious as well. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones. Eat your proteins I will catch you in the next story. With Love.

