Oubeid Mezni
5 min readJul 14, 2021


I am sure that everyone else is asking themselves the same question. In fact, I think it’s a little too late to ask because a lot of dumb shit has been happening in the past few months. Let’s get to it bit by bit, shall we? Also, I am more than thrilled to be on this platform again after a long time. Better late than never. But seriously, what the fuck is going on?

COVID-19 massacre :

The numbers down below describe how Tunisians are currently living with the virus. The major lockdown strategy paid off and we reached 0 covid cases in May 2020. The government suddenly decided to stop the lockdown, let foreigners in for “Tourism” or whatever, so the magic happened. 510 396 total cases, 16,561 deaths, and counting.

source: Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
source: Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)

How did we get here?

weak and bad government + careless uneducated people = The last of us gameplay in real life. It’s not because we’re covidiots. It’s because we are fearless by nature. We’re savage hustlers, protection and quarantine are for certain social classes. For people who can afford to stay at home. Most of us are the Timekeepers from Justin Timberlake’s movie “In Time” or “Time Out”. They live day to day and if they don’t bring dinner to the table tonight no one will feed them. I keep hearing this heartbreaking sentence “I would rather die of covid than starve to death”. People are still unaware of what this virus is capable of. weddings all over the place, nightclubs, beach parties, no one seems to care or take action. Now that the number of daily cases is increasing exponentially and death is around every corner, We are starting to get more aware that all of our lives are at stake. That’s how it works around here.

Horrible scenes are roaming social media about government crimes towards its own people :

  • Covid dead bodies left to rot everywhere.
  • hospitals running out of oxygen and other ones with literally no oxygen.
  • Lack of field hospitals despite the screaming urge of them.
  • The ministry of health is busy buying fancy cars for its Beloved upper management.

The government, hello?

the funny thing is, our government is pissing on us without even trying to fool us into thinking it’s raining.

  • The interior ministry spent a lot of money on riot control while people are already suffocating to death without dispersal gas.
  • The parliament turned into a brothel and the political climate stinks.
  • The Islamists are asking for compensation for the “struggles” they faced fighting back the old fascist system.
  • The president is busy solving international problems.

The whole scene is so blurry and there’s a lot of noise. No one can stand this shit anymore. It feels like we are living in the same country but on different dimensions. The innocent cry out for help and the guilty are running free and asking for more wealth and power.

On the other side of the spectrum, other corrupt lobbies are taking advantage of the situation to brighten their images. Here’s one of them. We all know who he is.

K2rym and his ex wife Nesrine Ben ali

Ever hear of the big guy K2. The one and only dog of Leila ben Ali. No wonder why she served him couscous and her daughter on a golden plate. This dude is going around the country giving aid to Tunisians with their own money, the money that Leila and her husband may his soul never find peace. He is trying to brighten his image bit by bit until the next presidential election comes up and if he ever wins Leila will gain some of the power she lost back in 2011. Please don’t fall for this shit. The highest IQ needed to process this is 2/200. Make sure no one does.

Finally, the cherry on top :

Rached Ghannouchi, Mr. tested positive for covid 19 and for being a murderer, the head of the Tunisian Parliament is accused and soon to be proven guilty for the assassination of Chokri Belaid and Mohamed Brahmi.

The superior committee of justice found Bachir Akermi guilty for wiping and destroying evidence related to the case of the 2 political assassinations by order and support of uncle Rachid. I wish the CIA interferes and expose everyone the way she did with Saudia Arabia on the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi.

These mindblowers, which you can never get rid of as Morty Smith does, caused a huge popular rage and anger towards the government and hopefully this time something big happens.

July 25th, 2021 :

People are organizing protests all around social media. Everyone had enough, no one can take this Bullshit any longer. It has to end and it has to end now. We should run riots against anybody who has anything to do with politics. We don’t care who you are. You’re either with us or with them, the choice is yours, choose carefully. We need to make them suffer and pay for every tear any Tunisian citizen dropped for their right to maintain a decent life for themselves and their loved ones. Save the date ladies and gentlemen I have high hopes on this one.

I don’t know how I feel about any of this. I’m certain that I’m not the only one who feels this way and if you feel the way I do, we’re in this together.

In the end, take care of yourselves and your loved ones. If you can afford to stay at home, do so, if you can’t, make sure to protect yourself well. Until next time, enjoy Rayen Houechri’s latest artwork. It is made with love.

